What drives us ?

Improving museum visit experience for schools based on gaming !

A little context...

Why should schools visit museums ?

Museums give children the opportunity to access knowledges differently than what they are used to in school. They increase their cultural capital, learn subject-specific content and skills and acquire critical thinking. Seeing the real world can even get them excited to go to school! But more often than not, school trips to museums are felt as a burden by kids, who suffers endless days of wandering through dusty exhibitions, passively listening about stuffs they don’t feel connected to or implicated in.

Gaming and interactive learning

Interactive learning overcomes this problem by delivering a mindful and engaging experience. In fact, it has been proven that kids remember up to 40% more informations by “saying and doing” rather by “seeing and hearing”.

Gaming is an excellent way to supply active learning. By including rules, definitive objectives, measurable goals and competition, it brings a sense of achievement, and since it is entertaining, children keep coming back to learn more. With gaming comes several skill developments: cognitive growth (solving problems, thinking creatively), digital literacy (communication, ethics) and coordination (spatial, fine motor). And, contrary to a common belief, gaming is not exclusive to the digital world and electronic devices. There are many types of gaming with dozens adapted to gaming with no equipment, and some examples may include: alternate reality games, role playing, simulations, strategy, puzzles, interactive fictions and social games. Actually, gaming is just making a creative use of its environment and whatever is available to play games!

Our solution

When it comes to implementing gaming into museums, a lot is still to be done, especially to fit for school trips. Teachers who wants to organize a school visit based on gaming will be restricted by the very limited amount of museums with gaming equipments, and the incapacity of a majority of them to suit a class of kids. The choice of a museum should not be based on whether it possesses gaming facilities, but rather on the teacher’s learning objectives, and the gaming part should be added on top of that.

Our idea with this project is to remove the burden of missing devices from museums and give teachers a solution to adapt gaming with a group of kids to any desired exhibition.

The thought process behind Museuming

Your experience

An overview

1. Search and create

Easily search or create a game for your students in the museum of your choice.

2. Easy search

Search for the games adapted to your class and the museum you visit.

3. Pick a game

Try out the best rated games.

4. More infos

Get to know the game you choose to play.

5. What do others think ?

See the reviews of other users.

6. Have you liked it ?

Give the community your feedback.

7. Prepare your next trip

Save games for future visits.

8. Create a new game

Share your games with the community !

Not convinced yet ?

Try it out !

How to design Museuming ?

Tools for future designers

The website




Special Elite


The Noun Project

Bootstrap components


CSS Stylesheets


How to develop Museuming ?

Tools for future developers

Front end

React Native

React Native combines React, a cross-platform app development tool for both Android and Apple IOS, and NodeJS, the powerful JavaScript framework embedded in the V8 Google engine.
It will improve your client side implementation for elegant interfaces !

Tutorial video

Back end


Amazon's AWS is the lead on-demand cloud computing platform and API web services for data storage.
With its S3 and RDS databases, you won't have to operate your own servers nor worry about security and efficiency.
And you will make scale economies : you pay only by the number of requests !

Tutorial video



Bootstrap is the world’s most popular open source toolkit for developing responsive UI/UX in mobile apps.

Tutorial video



Github is a software version manager for team projects. Use it to keep track on source code between all members !

Tutorial video



Scrum is an agile framework to manage a software development project, providing concrete processes for every steps.

Tutorial video

Be a maker

Unleash your creativity